The block display notifications about price changes in the market according to user-made settings.
The option is available for STANDARD and PRO licenses.
Market monitor settings
The user manages monitoring settings in the ''Monitor" or "List" tab by clicking the ''plus'' icon.
Required boxes to fill in:
1. Price change, %
The price change is expressed in the percentage for analysis of changes in the market situation for compliance with the specified parameters. A minimum value in the box is "5".
2. Time-frame

The time-frame allows analyzing changes in the market situation for compliance with the specified parameters. The value in the box must be selected from the drop-down menu.
3. Minimum volume, USDT

It is a minimum volume of daily trade, represented in USDT, used to analyze changes in the market situation for compliance with the user-made settings. The minimum allowed value in the box is ''1''. What corresponds to 1,000,000 (one million) USDT.
Daily trading volume is the volume of total tokens value that changed owners on the exchange per day (24 hours). The higher the value, the more liquidity the token has. This value is seen in:
Optional boxes:
1. Market
With the market, the user gets notifications only for the symbols corresponding to the selected market.
For reference, users can configure monitoring for trading symbols with a quote asset other than USDT. For example, "BTC" represents symbols like ".../BTC" (THE/BTC, AND/BTC, LTC/BTC, etc.), "UP/DOWN" - ETF symbols, such as (BTC UP/USDT, etc.).
2. Minimum price
The user inputs the price in USDT. Any price can be set. With the filter, messages about price changes below the specified price don't come.
3. Exchange

The choice of the exchange used to analyze market changes according to the specified parameters.
Working with exchanges becomes available after connecting API keys to the platform.
Managing configurations
A great number of configurations can be set. They are managed from the "List" tab:
At this tab, the user can edit, activate, stop or delete created configurations. The green toggle means that it's active, the red one means that it's stopped. A gear is responsible for editing and deleting.
Getting notifications
After set up and launch, the relevant market events display in the "Market monitor" tab. Examples of notifications:
Configuration in red frame:
- Minimum value: 10M USDT
- Price change: 5%
- Time frame: 30m
Symbol FXS/USDT. The price increased by 6% from 9.811 to 10.4 within 30 minutes. The daily volume is 26104611.3853 USDT.
Configuration in yellow frame:
- Minimum value: 10M USDT
- Price change: 5%
- Time frame: 15m
Symbol WAXP/USDT. The price increased by 5.42% from 0.0719 to 0.758 within 15 minutes. The daily volume is 12580728.6375 USDT.
When a list of notifications is overwhelmed, clicking on the "trash can" icon clears it:
Market monitor can send notifications via telegram when connected with the telegram bot: